Wednesday 25 September 2013

"Girls on fire and Pears."

Week 4
Pathfinder and Pen tool - Mr Jeffrey

Yay to pears because this time were gonna make one. Yes, using adobe illustrator we designed traced lines using the pen tool and getting an understanding on how the pen tool actually works and what you can do with it. Heres a screenshot of what we were to sketch out

Those dotted lines represent what we are to trace, the pen tool also allows us to make curves and such to get a figure almost as accurate as you want it. We practised dragging onto right locations shown in coloured dots on the image.

After some kid like but tough tracing, we brought the lines together making a pear! like magic. we then rendered in the empty spaces as we liked.

..pear got shot, but that arrow though.


"Biker Spice"

Week 3
Pen tool continued - Mr Adam

HELLO, so for the final week 3 task we were to practise on our tracing skills! ..using the pen tool in adobe photoshop.

The image used was of Ben Spies and his bike

As easy at it seems, its actually harder only because of the time taken to outline the bike and Mr.Spies.
Using the pen tool we can trace out desired areas rather accurately. After a full round has been selected, you can alter that whole area OR you could select the inverse and colour it in as what i have done in the image below..

Ofcourse the smallest details are a bit technical and difficult to sttend to but once you get used to the controls and how its done, it gets much simpler.


"What the fox say?"

Week 3 
pen tool and scribble - Mr Jeffry

For a second task in week 3 we were asked to use a photo of a fox and ipen it in adobe illustrator, then we were to trace out a rough outline of the foxes face which was to be done with the pen tool, personally the easiest method. After getting an outline you can colour in the fox then a special effect known as the scribble can be added to show a sketchy effect.

The scribble effect can be found in the top finder search effect/stylize/scribble as seen below.

Here is my final image, just to adjust to contrast of a wolf in the day and night.

The original image of the fox we used is on the top, the outlined and rendered is second and after blinding the original layer you can see the Fox which had been penned!

Original image

Tuesday 24 September 2013

"Spot the difference"

Week 3
Before & After
Liquify tool, screen and overlay - Mr Adam

This week we learnt how to use the pen tool on adobe illustrator and also some new effects in photoshop.

firstly we were asked to get a picture and make some changes on it then finishing of with a "before an after" scene. I chose vin diesel and what i did to him firstly was use the brush tool on a seperate layer from the imae andtouch up parts of his body, mainly shadows. After this i screened the two layers giving this effect you see below, merging the 2 in a vague but accurate manner following the lights. 

B U G S Y . D I E S E L

Secondly i used a new effect i had learnt recently which can be seen on the eyes. This effect is called Liquify and can be found in the filter gallery top menu. in this special place you can blow or distort specific areas of your choice in any way, one of my favourites in photoshop so far.

"Superheroes not needed anymore"

Week 2
Scale to Proportion
Cutting - Mr Jeffry

This week we had learnt to alter our bodies and make precise & accurate selections using the Pen tool in photoshop.

This is me

Now the idea is to get my face on the body of iron mans suit..
Dont laugh, impossible you say? well its not as difficult as it sounds. Just a little photoshop for this generation will do the trick..


..AND done.

I simply cut my head out and placed it in proportion to the suit as close as i could and I used a brush tool with a little blur to add the fire light on the back of my boot to display taking off added a hawaiian theme and then named myself Iron Hawaiian.

Now everyone can be a superhero.


"Useless beauty creams"

Week 1 
Facial fixing - Mr Adam

Hello, we had recently started with a new semester of our design course and this subject is based on visual design concepts and methods from the very beginning. For our first class we figure out how magazine and paper models look so gorgeous and fair.. so whats the secret? Photoshop..

We were given an image to select and i chose this girl with freckles.. lots of them.

This my anonymous new friend i have yet to meet. moving on, how would we make this image, or rather, her face to be more model worthy? Simply by 'patching it up'. 

There is a tool in photoshop called the Patch tool which can be found under the Eyedropper tool or ontop of the brush tool. It also shows in the form of a Bandage where you have to hold down the image until more options are selectable. The patch tool looks like this image on the left.

Can you tell the difference? Half the face has been cleared or made fair using just this tool, simply highlight the area you want to 'fix', click inside the highlighted section and drag to a clearer locationto obtain a copied but altered effect on the spot you wish to fix.

Here is the original photo on the left and slightly altered on the right, i had a little fun with her eyes aswell. 
