Tuesday 24 September 2013

"Useless beauty creams"

Week 1 
Facial fixing - Mr Adam

Hello, we had recently started with a new semester of our design course and this subject is based on visual design concepts and methods from the very beginning. For our first class we figure out how magazine and paper models look so gorgeous and fair.. so whats the secret? Photoshop..

We were given an image to select and i chose this girl with freckles.. lots of them.

This my anonymous new friend i have yet to meet. moving on, how would we make this image, or rather, her face to be more model worthy? Simply by 'patching it up'. 

There is a tool in photoshop called the Patch tool which can be found under the Eyedropper tool or ontop of the brush tool. It also shows in the form of a Bandage where you have to hold down the image until more options are selectable. The patch tool looks like this image on the left.

Can you tell the difference? Half the face has been cleared or made fair using just this tool, simply highlight the area you want to 'fix', click inside the highlighted section and drag to a clearer locationto obtain a copied but altered effect on the spot you wish to fix.

Here is the original photo on the left and slightly altered on the right, i had a little fun with her eyes aswell. 


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