Thursday 17 October 2013

Graffiti art, my second nature

Week 6
Proportions, scales - Mr Adam

a new week, a new chapter in the design course. This week we learnt how to do a little cheating with design in photoshop and how simple technology can make our lives.

we started off with getting an image of a brick wall as such

THIS my friends, is a wall. When graffiti artists paint, this is thier canvas! mostly noted as a form of vandalism yet in the most aesthetic of ways.

My task was to add an image or art by a graffiti artist on this wall without me actually spending money on spray cans or touching anything in its form for that matter, how? lets see how it goes.

The image i have chosen is this beautiful piece done by a renowned graffiti artist in the UK known as Banksy, a secretive yet not so secretive individual as his work in the UK is famous around the world.

After getting the image i want, place the image infront of the wall image like so..

Now one thing you would want to be sure of is that the image you want to place on the wall has a white background as this works best with colour gradients. Now select this image, go to the bar just above the layers column where it is stated 'normal'. These are one of many types of modes known as 'blending' modes allowing 2 images to overlap in several ways depending on their colour values.

The mode i choose would be multiply

..and there we have it, the blending mode, multiply, allows the girl to be placed nicely according to the texture of the wall. Graffiti at a click of a mode. (;

Now we didnt stop here, we moved on to something just a little more intricate. Designing an aluminium can. Thats right, those graphics you see on the cans can be done on photoshop!

Lets start off with our main object image. a can.

Any can like this would do, you wouldn't need a can with decals as you would be doing one any ways and the brighter the can, the better the outcome.

After placing the can i find an image that would be interesting to find on an object as such, in my case i chose a fan art sketched version of the A v e n g e r s. Nothing can really be more amazing on a can..  can it?

As it being a flat image, i use the warp tool to hinge the image rounded according to my base which in this case would be the can. after warping it as accurate as possible we can use the same blending mode process for the images to give a realistic effect. [Multiply Mode]

AND there you have it. i took my time warping out the image as accurate as possible here. Just for a little fun i added the joker here aswell on another try (;

Not bad i must say, i was really impressed by how far technology has really brought us.


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